Monday, March 16, 2009


Well things have been busy around my house lately. My sister and I have been playing with the horses a lot. A spring is coming and with it the normal things like MUD!! but that is okay. I am excited to see the flowers as they start growing and making the yard look pretty. It is amazing what each season brings. God is surely good.

I have been reading "Before you meet Prince Charming" by Sarah Mally. WOW!! It is really good.

I will try to pin point some of my favourite lines and thoughts.

"It requires courage to do things God's way, to wait for His timing, and to trust that He will bring you and your life partner together according to His perfect plan. It takes courage to obey when you don't understand."

Isn't that last line SO true!! That goes for every thing in life. When God says do something and we don't understand we have to have courage and trust that God knows what he is doing [and of course he always does].

"It is your heart--your own internal commitments before the Lord--that will make the difference."

It is MY heart--MY own internal commitments before the Lord--that will make the difference.

"Only those who have formed their own personal convictions will have the strength required to remain pure and the discernment needed to escape temptation"

Here is a conversation that the King and his daughter had in the story [there is a story that runs through the whole book]

""Look at this. What do you see?" her father questioned.
"A lovely rose" she said
"What color?"
"Pure white," her father emphasized. "What else do you notice?"
"Well, it is closed. It is just a bud"
"What is the inside like?" he inquired. "Open it for me."
"I can't open it for you!"
"Why not?" he asked
"Because it has to open itself," she stated.
"But I want to see the inside," repeated the king.
"Then you will have to wait for it to open when it is ready. If I force it to open, you will never see its beauty."
"But are you not overly cautious?" teased the king. "We'll only open a few petals."
"The rose is very delicate," she answered. "The petals will tear, and ti will never be the same"

"And so it is with many fair maidens," the king explained. "Their beauty is never fully seen, for they wait not for the proper time.They are handled and played with by too many a fellow. Their heart is opened prematurely. The fragrance and beauty that was intended for the perfect time is lost or damaged forever"

This is the shorter version of something that is in the book...

- The world's way is "now oriented" God's way is "future oriented"
- The world's way involves the "pain of separation" God's way involves "no separation"
- The world's way is to "get" God's way is always to "give'
- The world's way is for "pleasure" God's way is for "commitment"
- The world's way is built on "human thinking, tradition, and culture" God's way is always based on the "Word of God-- Biblical standards, principles, and goal"
- The world's way it "temporary" God's way is "permanent"

Proverbs 4:23 says "Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life." NASB

I am going to stop there for now. I will hopefully get back soon and post more of my thoughts on the book but for now think about that :)



  1. "It takes courage to obey when you don't understand." I love this!! :)

  2. It is so true. It sounds easy but it isn't.

