Thursday, May 21, 2009

Are you making time to pray?

My brother and I just got back from cutting grass and while I was walking back and forth pushing a lawn mower I had a lot of time to think...and pray. What a better time to pray and talk to God!!

A couple months ago well not even, more like 3 weeks ago when ever I was doing chores or anything that I didn't have to concentrate on I would find myself thinking about things, that even though they weren't bad they weren't necessary to think about and took my mind away from God and godly things. So to cure me of this I started praying every time I started.

I found that I was...

(1) Trusting God more because I was praying more and giving my problems, worries and everything little thing over to God
(2) I was able to pray for others and not always be praying for me, myself and I.
(3) I was able to thank God for the things that He was doing in my life instead of always asking things of Him.
And last but not least I FELT WAY BETTER!!! I felt free!!

So today while I was cutting grass I found myself praying without even knowing it! I was like "Wow!" It was such an improvement!!

So my question is, how much time are you giving God? Are you just saying a quick prayer every now and then? or are you really talking to God and having conversations with Him?

I hope you will take the time and really start praying and not just once or twice but every chance you get!! I did and I feel so much better! When ever I am worried about something or weighted down by anything I give it to my heavenly Father that cares and wants to here from me, His child.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I totally find myself doing that too. Whenever I'm cleaning out the stalls in the morning, I'm always praying or meditating on what I read in my daily devotion. God time = awesome time! Oh! I also feel thoughts popping into my head! Like what bible verse to read next and what book of the bible to study. =-D Hooray for God Time!!!
