Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Living in God's Calling by Charles Stanley

I know that I have been posting these a lot but this one is truly amazing!!

Living in God's Calling by Charles Stanley

ESTHER 3:13; 4:4-16

Knowing that we have a calling from the Lord is one thing, but living it out is another. Esther reached a point in her life when fulfilling God's plan became risky and dangerous. The Lord had placed her in a position of influence, but using that power could cost the young woman her life.

Few are called to be kings or queens, but we have all been given places of influence to one degree or another. The Lord has placed you in your family, community, and church to fulfill His purposes for your life in this generation. As long as you are breathing, He is still working out His will for you.

How will you respond to His calling? There are only two options: cooperate by submitting to His plan, or resist Him. Trying to avoid or ignore the opportunities He presents is a form of resistance. Maybe the cost of obedience seems too high, but what about the cost of disobedience?

Eventually, every Christian is going to encounter a situation that tests his or her willingness to obey God. When that time comes, remember the lesson from Esther. If you refuse, the Lord will use someone else, and you will lose the opportunity to fulfill His calling. Maybe you have been placed in a difficult situation "for such a time as this"--to be an influence for Christ in our dark world.

Living in God's calling isn't always easy, but it is always worth the risk. Each step will reveal the faithfulness of our Lord, encouraging us to trust Him in the next opportunity He provides. As our faith grows, His perfect timing will become evident, and we'll look with joy and expectation for what awaits us.

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