Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The best years of your life!

How are you using your teen years?

A while ago I was struggling with the fact that I was "to young to serve God in any big way. I am just a teen how can I do something big for God?" Well that might be what the world wants us teens to think but it isn't true!!

Our teen years are the best years we have! We don't have to worry about half the things our parents have to think about and take care of. We have been given this time to serve God and give him everything we have so why aren't we? Well that is the question.

So what I am going to challenge you and myself to do is this... Try and do one "small" thing a day for the next 7 days. Also see if you can think of some ways to do hard things. It may not mean going out and talking to a whole bunch of people. Something that might be hard for one person might be easy for the next i.e. answering the phone ;) I DO NOT like answering the phone!!

So try it!! We only get to be teens once!! So lets use the years God has given us and make a difference!!



  1. =-D I love the idea! I'm starting it today!!! Let's see... what can I do differently... *goes off to make this a better world! (or home to start off with)*

  2. :D I am glad you like it Lea! *joins Lea*

  3. That's great! I'll do that too!

  4. Great!!!

    Thanks for joining us!! :)

